Developing an infrastructure for improved and harmonised metrological checks of blood-pressure measurements in Europe
Hypertension affects almost half of the European population and is responsible for 13 % of all non-accidental deaths. Hypertension increases the probability of stroke, heart attack and kidney diseases, causing over 22 % of all heart attacks. Reliable and accurate BP measurements taken by sphygmomanometers (SMs) are indispensable in the diagnostics of hypertension.
This project aims to improve the reliability and accuracy of blood pressure (BP) measurements by developing an advanced oscillometric signal generator (aOSG) and by establishing new calibration procedures and services for blood pressure metrology. Furthermore, the project will establish a competence centre for blood pressure metrology and create a network for blood pressure metrology consisting of national metrology institutes, designated institutes, surveillance bodies and medical professionals.
Latest news o project development
Final publishable summary and publishable report
Our project has reached after 1279 days of duration its conclusion. All project deliverables were accepted & our final reports were submitted. You can find our final publishable summary and[…]
Read moreDeliverable 8
We are happy to publish last of our deliverables. This deliverable focuses on the competence cetre establihed by our project and on individual strategies for internal partners for the long-term[…]
Read moreDeliverable 7
We are happy to publish seventh of our deliverables. This deliverable answers the question, if CMI is qualified to provide traceable measurements and calibration services for the aOSG and similar[…]
Read moreDeliverable 6
We finished & submited another project deliverable – Deliverable 6: White Paper on Smart specialisation concept to ensure a coordinated and optimised approach towards metrology for blood pressure measurements in[…]
Read moreProject consortium
The consortium of our project combines the capabilities of eight EURAMET national metrology institutes with vast experience of pressure and medical metrology, complemented by one university who will provide academic experience.
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