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First publishable summary can be dowload either from here or EURAMET MSU webpage.
First publishable summary can be dowload either from here or EURAMET MSU webpage.
Consortium of eight European NMIs (national metrology institutes) & one university is currently working in an European metrology research program (EMPIR) 18RPT02 adOSSIG – Developing an infrastructure for improved and harmonised metrological checks of blood-pressure measurements. The project has started on June 1st 2019 and is coordinated by CMI. This project aims to improve the…
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Kick-off meeting for adOSSIG project The kick-off meeting for 18RPT02 adOSSIG was organized at CMI in Prague on 12th and 13th June 20019, and the project is officially started. Grant Agreement has already been signed and all Annexes 3 were delivered to MSU in time. Signing the Consortium Agreement is the next step. Good luck…
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Reseach potential project adOSSIG – Developing an infrastructure for improved and harmonised metrological checks of blood-pressure measurements in Europe has started on June 1st 2019.
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